PVC Windows Ventilation

208 UAH
  • PVC Windows Ventilation
  • PVC Windows Ventilation

REHAU AirComfort ventilation system ensures the supply of fresh air to your home, regardless of wind strength and pressure. It is important as modern window systems makes almost impossible access of fresh air.

REHAU AirComfort ventilation system ensures the supply of fresh air to your home, regardless of wind strength and pressure. It is important as modern window systems makes almost impossible access of fresh air. That is how dampness or vice versa stuffiness can be formed. Therefore we need simple and reliable mechanism for airing the room through the window, which works without electricity.

The system REHAU AirComfort is sensitive to high wind pressure and closes automatically. It results in reduced air humidity without electricity expenses. It creates healthy and favourable climate and gives additional protection to the property by reducing the cost of the damage caused by moisture due to improper ventilation.

AirComfort is a new type of hidden ventilation system. Due to the simplicity of installation, requiring no bolts and holes, the flexible system is money-saving as it is possible to install it in already installed window. So, it is an innovative solution for both new facilities and renovation of old buildings in accordance with the requirements of today.


Contact us

Phones: +38 (044) 467-71-24, +38 (067) 381-84-94, +38 (067) 232-05-45, +38 (050) 382-14-10

Address: 01013, Kyiv, Ukraine st. Budindustriya, 5

E-mail: office@wegaplast.com.ua

Opening hours: Mon-Fri 9:00 – 18:00